Hello Nobody!
Just randomly decided to re-open the blog. Im tired, its been a long year so far, and Im currently in O2, on a sunday, since 9 o clock, working answering phones for a living. See now I can take this as a reference point for the first real day of 2005, and maybe then I can see where I am and who I am by the end of this. Im getting a car soon. Thats one of the major signs of adulthood for me, your own car. Now I just need, a cool job, a direction, a bit of fun, and the feeling in my stomach that I am a valid and useful member of society. I wonder how I'll do with these kinds of resolutions, those and giving up fags, drinking and the other fags (slowly but surely) , working out more, and getting out the hell fuck out of my current job. So thats my january snapshot, my status as to the beginning of 2005. Lets see how things change. Lets see how I make them change