The cold air cuts my eyes.
My vision swirling red,
And I walk through it,
Lost and easily led.

The future lies in ruins,
While I destroy the past,
The war is over, You have won,
It has beaten me at last.

But loss will always save the day,
Kicking me hard where it hurts,
As I lay blinded in the mud,
My mouth the taste of blood and dirt,
Where a broken smile slowly appears,
Because my time is almost done,
Done with coping, despite it all,
Done with dreaming and standing tall.

This boy's race is run.
Let dawn rise over the garden gate.
Let the sun come rumbling through.
Feel the world at tilt and turn
Shaking off the morning dew.

Kiss me before the moments lost
Close to your heart where I matter most.

What matters at all when time has lost,
And what matters least can hurt the most.